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Publisher: College of Literature 2Release time: 2014-10-10Views:210

188bet app
188bet app Management
(1) Course Nature
Archives management is a compulsory course for secretaries。It is based on files and 188bet app work as research objects,Study the rules of the operation of the 188bet app information system,The general principle of explaining archive management、Disciplines of Technology and Methods。
(2) Teaching purpose
Through a relatively systematic teaching,Basic theory and knowledge of students' initial understanding and understanding of document 188bet app management,Preliminary mastering archive management work skills。
(3) Teaching content
This course focuses on the main content of archive management,is the collection of files,Solving,Appraisal,Keep,Statistics,Search,Editing and research and providing use。This course is very practical,Especially for 188bet app ,Appraisal,Search and other content,Need students to fully understand and master,and require further research and discussion。
(4) Teaching hours
This course is opened for a semester,A total of 72 students,The average school hours are 4 hours per week。
serial number
Inner Rong
School hours
Chapter 1 188bet app physical management Introduction
Section 1What is the 188bet app entity management
Section 2Principles of 188bet app physical management
Section 3Methods of 188bet app physical management
Chapter 2Appraisal of 188bet app value
Section 1The content and significance of the 188bet app appraisal work
Section 2Principles and standards for identifying 188bet app value
Section 3Division of 188bet app storage period table and archive storage period
Section 4The system and organization of the archive appraisal work
Chapter 3Collection of files
Section 1Overview of 188bet app collection
Section 2Receiving and archiving of 188bet app management
Section 3Collection of 188bet app 188bet app
Chapter 4Sorting the 188bet app
Section 1Overview of 188bet app finishing work
Section 2Division 188betof the whole ancestors
Section 3Category of all -in -in -in -188bet app
Section 4Category Cases Arrangement and Case Paper Directory
Section 5Organization coordination of 188bet app finishing work
Chapter 5Storage of files
Section 1Overview of the archive storage work
Section 2The material condition of the archive storage
Section 3File warehouse management
Chapter 6Statistics of files
Section 1Overview of archive statistics
Section 2File registration work
Section 3Archives Statistics
Chapter 7Overview of the development and utilization of 188bet app information resources
Section 1The significance and principles of the development of 188bet app information resources
Section 2The main obstacles and measures that should be adopted by the development of 188bet app information resources
Section 3The meaning of the use of files and the formation and development of the theory of 188bet app
Chapter 8Search for files
Section 1File retrieval summary
Section 2File records
Section 3Archives
Section 4File retrieval tool
Chapter 9Editing and research of files
Section 1Overview of 188bet app editing and research work
Section 2File reference materials
Chapter 10The provision of the 188bet app
Section 1Archives Provide an overview of work
Section 2File Consultation Service
Section 3File user research work
Section 4Open 188bet app work
Chapter 11 Introduction to Special 188bet app
Section 1 Overview of a special 188bet app
Section 2 Special 188bet app Management
Section 3Management system for specialized files
Chapter 12 Personnel 188bet app
Section 1Personnel files and personnel 188bet app work
Section 2Collection and identification of personnel files
Section 3Classification of personnel files
Section 4Transfer and inspection of personnel files
Chapter 13 Accounting 188bet app
Section 1Overview of accounting files
Section 2Collection and storage of accounting files
Section 3Organization of accounting files
Section 4Appraisal and destruction of accounting files
Section 5Provision of accounting files
Chapter 14 Sound 188bet app
Section 1Overview of Sound 188bet app
Section 2Photo 188bet app
Section 3Recording, video 188bet app
Chapter 15 188bet app Information Introduction
Section 1The concept and content of the archive information
Section 2The development stage of the informatization of 188bet app in my country
Section 3The significance and principle of development of 188bet app information
Chapter 16 Electronic 188bet app Management
Self -learning
Section 1The concept and technical characteristics of electronic files
Section 2Objectives and methods of electronic 188bet app management
Section 3The formation and classification of electronic files
Section 4Appraisal and archiving of electronic files
Section 5The recording and development of electronic files
Section 6Storage and transfer of electronic files
Chapter 17 188bet app Digitalization
Section 1The concept and workflow of the digitalization of the 188bet app
Section 2Requirements for digital work of files
Section 3Key technology for digitalization of files
Section 4Cases of Digitalization of 188bet app
(5) Teaching method
Using systematic lecture、Special discussion、Work exercises、Teaching method combining self -learning。
2. This article
Chapter 1188bet app physical management Introduction
Teaching points:
Archive entity management is a series of management tasks performed for archives in the physical state。What is the 188bet app entity management,Principles of Archives physical management,The method of management of archives is the content that students need to focus on。
Teaching hours:
The teaching hours of this chapter are 5 hours.
Teaching content:
Section 1 What is a 188bet app physical management (1 time)
a,The concept of 188bet app physical management
2,Content of the physical management of the 188bet app
3,The relationship between the development and utilization of content information and content information
Section 2 Principles of the physical management of 188bet app (2 hours)
a,Source Principles
(1)Knowing the same organization and organization
(2)changes in institutional or organizational functions, the impact on the source principles
(3)It can be simply understood as the source principle,All 188bet app produced in a specific organization or organization shall be kept concentrated,
Can't mix it with the files of other sources
2,Quanzong Principles
(1)Theoretical significance of the principle of Quanzong
(2)Practical value of the principle of all -total generals
3,Organic connection principle
Four,The principle of convenient and convenient use
Section 3 Methods of 188bet app physical management (2 hours)
a,Different historical methods and logic methods
2,History method is determined by the essential characteristics of the 188bet app
3,The application of historical methods in archive entity management
Evaluation requirements:
a,What is the 188bet app physical management (understand)
2,Principles of the physical management of 188bet app (knowledge)
3,Methods of the physical management of the 188bet app (understanding)
Chapter 2Appraisal of 188bet app value
Teaching points:
The appraisal of the 188bet app is an important content of the archives management work,It has strong theoretical nature,There are fixed difficulties in actual work。Require students to understand and master the principles and standards of 188bet app appraisal value,Division of the storage period of the archives and several issues that should be paid attention to in the division of the archive storage period。
Teaching hours:
The teaching hours of this chapter are 5 hours.
Teaching content:
Section 1The content and significance of the 188bet app appraisal work (1 time)
a,Content of the 188bet app appraisal
(1) Standards for the value of the 188bet app for the 188bet app ;
(2) Specific determination of the value of 188bet app materials,Determine its storage period;
(3) Pick out a 188bet app without preserved value and storage period,Destruction or treatment in accordance with regulations。
2. The significance of the 188bet app appraisal
(1) 188bet app appraisal is the basic means to determine the fate of the existence of the 188bet app
(2) 188bet app appraisal is a scientific measure to improve the efficiency of 188bet app management
Section 2Principles and standards for identifying the value of files (2 hours)
1. Principles of the value of the 188bet app
Starting from the overall interests of the country and the people,Use a comprehensive、History、Development、Viewpoint of benefits Judging the value of the 188bet app 。
2. Standards for the value of the 188bet app
(1) 188bet app attribute standard: Archive attribute standards include archives source、Content and formal features。
(2) Social needs standards: According to the needs of society,You can direction the society in need、Need to face、It takes time as the standard for identification 188bet app value。
Section 3Division of the storage period of the 188bet app and the storage period of the 188bet app (1 time)
I. The role and type of the archive storage period table
The meaning of the 188bet app storage period table、Function 188bet apkand 5 types of storage period tables。
2. The structure of the archive storage period table
The storage period of the 188bet app mainly includes the serial number、Terms、Storage period、Note、Total description part composition。
Third, the preparation method of the archive storage period table
The preparation method of the 188bet app storage period table shall be carried out in the following aspects: preparation requirements; preparation personnel; compilation steps; revision of the archive storage period table。
4. Several problems in the division of 188bet app storage period
(1) Grade Questions on the Storage Period
(2) The relationship between the relationship between general terms and the special terms
(3) "Elasticity" problem in dividing the storage period of the 188bet app
(4) Application of quantitative methods in the division of storage period
(5) The value analysis problem in the use of the storage period table
Section 4The system and organization of the 188bet app appraisal work (1 time)
1. 188bet app appraisal work system
(1) Standard files of the system and identification 188bet app
(2) Organization leadership of 188bet app appraisal work
(3) The approval and supervision and sales system for destroying files
2. Procedures and methods of 188bet app appraisal
(1) The first stage,The scope of 188bet app is determined during 188bet app of the organs;
(2) The second stage,Determine the storage period for the archived documents;
(3) Third stage,Perform 188bet app value review in a certain period of time。
Third, the destruction of files
(1) The preparation of the 188bet app destruction of the 188bet app
(2) Simple explanation of the standing unit and Quanzong
(3) How to destroy files
Evaluation requirements:
1. The content and significance of the 188bet app appraisal work
(1) Standard for the value of the 188bet app (knowledge)
(2) The significance of the 188bet app appraisal (understanding)
2. Principles and standards for identifying 188bet app value
(1) Principles of the value of appraisal 188bet app (understanding)
(2) Standards for identification of 188bet app value (understanding)
3. Division of the storage period of the 188bet app and the storage period of the 188bet app
(1) The role and type of the storage period of the 188bet app (knowledge)
(II) Structure of the Staff Storage Period (Understanding)
(3) The preparation method of the archive storage period table (understand)
(4) The "elastic" problem of dividing the storage period of the 188bet app (understanding)
Fourth, the system and organization of 188bet app appraisal
(1) The approval and supervision and sales system for destroying files (knowledge)
(2) Program and methods of 188bet app appraisal work (understand)
(3) The preparation of the 188bet app destruction of the 188bet app (understanding)
(4)Method of destroying files (knowledge)
Chapter 3 Collection of files
Teaching points:
188bet app collection is the primary link of archive management,The quality of the 188bet app collection work,Other links that directly affect the management of archives。Archives of the 188bet app ,Archive system,Collection method of archives archives,and the standards and requirements of the rich museum (room) hidden,It is the content that students need to focus on。
Teaching hours:
The teaching hours of this chapter are 5 hours.
Teaching content:
Section 1Overview of 188bet app collection (1 time)
1. Content of the collection of files
(1) Government organs、The 188bet app of the archive room of the enterprise and institution corresponding to the archive of the 188bet app
(2) Government organs、Enterprise and institutions supplement the 188bet app that have not been archived in time
(3) 188bet app for the current agency、Revisible concentration and reception of long -term preservation value 188bet app of the institution
(4) The receiving and solicitation of 188bet app formed by the 188bet app before the founding of the People's Republic of China
2. Requirements for the collection of files
(1) Strengthen the investigation and guidance outside the 188bet app (room)
(2) Actively implement 188bet app (room) 188bet app standardization
(3) Make sure to complete the archiving and entering the 188bet app .
(4) Maintain the relative integrity of the whole and the whole group
Third, the characteristics of archive collection
(1) Foresight and planning
(2) Treatment and timely
(3) Systemicity and integrity
Section 2Receiving and archiving of 188bet app management (2 hours)
1. The necessity of establishing and improving the archiving system
2. Establishing the requirements of the 188bet app archive system of the organs
(1) The formulation of the archiving system must meet the requirements of relevant national documents
(2) The formulation of the archive system must be in line with the work of the authorities、Production、Reality of scientific research activities,The characteristics and laws of the formation of the document materials of this agency
(3) The archive system formulated,It should be uniform in terms of content in the other agencies of this agency
(4) Improve the content of the archive system
Third, the content of the archive system
(1) Archive scope
(2) Archive time
(3) Quality requirements of 188bet app files
(4) Archive procedures
Four,The role of the 188bet app room in the formation of files and archives activities
(1) The role of the archives of the organs on the formation of the formation of the 188bet app
(2) Guide and urges to do a good job of archiving organization from the document department or business department
(3) Strengthen the inspection of the quality of the 188bet app volume
(4) Collection of temporary files
(5) Propaganda of the archiving system and the scientific management of 188bet app
Section 3Collection of 188bet app 188bet app (2 hours)
1. Source of 188bet app files
(1) 188bet app of the current agency
(2) Rejuvenation of the institution 188bet app
(3) Sandaled files preserved by the organization and individuals
(4) 188bet app transferred between 188bet app
2. The scope of the acceptance and collection of the 188bet app
(1) Acquisition and solicitation of comprehensive national 188bet app
(2) The scope of the receiving and soliciting 188bet app of various specialized 188bet app
Third, the acceptance of the 188bet app of the 188bet app
(1) Receiving requirements
(2) Preparation before the 188bet app receives the 188bet app
(3) The term of the archives receives the 188bet app
4. The acceptance of the 188bet app of the 188bet app of the 188bet app
Five, the 188bet app to receive the 188bet app for the formation of files for second and third -tier units
6. The acceptance and collection of historical 188bet app in the 188bet app
(1) The meaning of receiving and soliciting historical 188bet app
(2) Objects and ways to collect historical 188bet app
1.Collect historical 188bet app scattered in organs and social organizations;
2.Call for the historical 188bet app in the hands of collection and personal hands;
3.Call for historical 188bet app in the ethnic area;
4.Points to collect the party history collection office、Historical 188bet app collected by the CPPCC Literature and History Organization and its academic historical research department;
5.Collection of historical 188bet app that are lost abroad.
(3) The method of receiving and soliciting historical 188bet app
1.Published a notice;
2.Investigation Study;
3.Wide publicity.
Evaluation requirements:
1. Overview of archive collection
(1) Content of the collection of 188bet app (knowledge)
(2) Requirements for the collection of files (understand)
(3) The characteristics of the collection of files (understand)
2. The receiving and archiving of 188bet app management
(1) Requirements for establishing an institutional 188bet app archive system (understanding)
(2) Content of the archiving system (understand)
(3) The role of the 188bet app room in the formation of files and archives organization activities (understand)
3. Collection of 188bet app 188bet app
(1) Source of 188bet app 188bet app (understanding)
(2) The scope of the 188bet app receiving and soliciting 188bet app (understand)
(3) Preparation of the 188bet app before receiving the 188bet app (knowledge)
(4) Objects and ways to collect historical 188bet app (knowledge)
Chapter 4Sorting the 188bet app
Teaching points:
Archives is an important content of 188bet app management,It is also a strong work,All tasks of archives are content that needs to be mastered,Especially the theory and application of the principles of all -in -laws,Division of Files,Category of all -in -in -in -archives,Preparation of Case Paper Catalog needs to focus on grasp。
Teaching hours
The teaching hours of this chapter are 5 hours.
Teaching content:
Section 1Overview of 188bet app finishing work (1 time)
1. Basic content of 188bet app finishing work
The basic content of the 188bet app arrangement mainly includes the division and arrangement 188betof the whole ancestors、Classification of 188bet app in Quanzong、Document stand volume、Cases Arrangement and Number、Preparation of the Catalog Catalog and other links。
2. Principles of 188bet app finishing work
The principle of archiving work is to respect and maintain the essential characteristics of the 188bet app ,Keep historical connection between 188bet app files,Fully respect and use the original collation results,Easy to keep and use。
Section 2Division 188betof the whole ancestors (1 time)
1. The basic meaning of the whole sect
The whole sect is an organic whole formed by a social independence organization and an individual in its social practice。
2. The constituent conditions of the standing unit
(1) You can exercise your authority independently
(2) There are accounting units and economic accounting units
(3) Agency with management personnel
Third, the change of the change of the unit's unit on the division of the whole sect
(1) The distinction between the regime change and the distinction of the units of cross -political power
(II) Division of the whole unit caused by the change of the unit
(3) Temporary institutions and sending agencies 188bet app distinguish Quanzong
(4) The full sect of the 188bet app of the 188bet app
(5) The distinction between the full and organized all -sect 188bet app of the individual
Four, the supplementary form of the whole sect
(1) Union with all sects
(2) Gathering the whole sect
(3) 188bet app gather
Five, "Divide" All Zongqun Group
6. The number and arrangement of the whole sect
(1) Requirements and methods for the entire number number
(2) Requirements and methods for the arrangement of Quanzong
Section 3Classification of Full Zong internal 188bet app (1 time)
1. Basic requirements of the classification of 188bet app in the whole ancestors
2. General method of classification of 188bet app in the whole ancestors
Third, the classification method commonly used in the 188bet app 188betof the whole ancestors
(1) Annual classification method
(2) Organization Classification Law
(3) Question classification method
Four,Commonly used classification method combination
5. Classification of the internal 188bet app of the individual
Section 4Class Case Volume Arrangement and Case Paper Directory (1 time)
I. Cases arrangement
2. Cases number
Three, the preparation of the directory of the case 188bet app
(1) The meaning and role of the case of the case 188bet app
(2) The preparation method of the Catalog Catalog
(3) Structure of the Catalog Catalog
Section 5Organization and coordination of 188bet app (1 time)
1. Basic methods of 188bet app organizing work organization and coordination
2. Standing unit and full -section historical research
Three, 188bet app numbers and use rules
Evaluation requirements:
1. Overview of 188bet app finishing
(1) Basic content of 188bet app finishing work (knowledge)
(2) Principles of 188bet app finishing work (understand)
2. The division of the whole sect
(1) The basic meaning of the whole sect (knowledge)
(2) The constituent conditions of the standing unit (understand)
(3) The distinction between the regime change and the distinction of the units of cross -political power (understand)
(4) Supplementary form 188betof the whole ancestors (understand)
(5) The number and arrangement 188betof the whole ancestors (knowledge)
Three, Classification of 188bet app in Quanzong
(1) The general method of classification of all -sects (understand)
(2) Classification methods commonly used in 188bet app in the whole ancestors (understand)
(3) The combination of commonly used classification methods
(4) Classification of the full 188bet app of the individual
4. Cases of internal cases and Case Paper Catalog
(1) Case volume arrangement (understand)
(2) Preparation of Catalog Catalog (Consciousness)
(3) Structure of the Catalog Catalog
(4) Standing unit and full -sect historical research (understanding)
Chapter 5Storage of files
Teaching points:
The storage of files is one of the eight basic contents of the archive management work,That is, the daily maintenance of the archives that have been put into the library and its cabinet frames、Protective management work。188bet app storage work is mainly engaged in daily maintenance and management of archives entities,Mainly master the management method of archives,and the storage method of files。
Teaching hours:
The teaching hours of this chapter are 5 hours.
Teaching content:
Section 1Overview of the archive storage work (1 time)
I. The meaning of 188bet app storage
2. Basic tasks of 188bet app storage
Section 2The material condition of the archive storage (2 hours)
I. Library
2. 188bet app installation
Three, 188bet app storage equipment 4. Rolling skin, rolling box
Section 3File Library Management (2 hours)
2. Daily protection measures
Three, the management method of warehouse and 188bet app
Four, 188bet app storage management
Five, Quanzong Volume
Evaluation requirements:
1. Overview of 188bet app storage
(1) The meaning of the storage of files (understand)
(2) Basic tasks for 188bet app storage
2. The material condition of the 188bet app custody
(1) 188bet app equipment (understand)
(2) 188bet app storage equipment (understanding)
Three, archive library management
(1) System of entry and exit (understand)
(2) Daily protection measures (knowledge)
Chapter 6Statistics of files
Teaching points:
188bet app statistics as a comprehensive management method,One of the eight basic contents of archive management work,It not only registered the number of statistical files、Status,Also register the number of statistical archives management activities、Status,188bet app staff、Organization、Fund、Equipment and other related factors,It is the formulation of relevant archives work policy、Policies and plans and check the important basis for its implementation situation。188bet app statistics is a quantitative description of files and its management,Need to master the basic method of statistics,Archives、The main form of the basic status of the archive room。
Teaching hours:
The teaching hours of this chapter are 5 hours.
Teaching content:
Section 1Overview of 188bet app Statistics (1 time)
I. Content of archive statistics
2. The role of 188bet app statistics
Section 2File registration work (2 hours)
1. Registration of 188bet app status
(1) Cases and files in the 188bet app
(2) The 188bet app is collected in the registration thin
(3) Full of Famous Restaurant
(4) Quanzong Single
(5) Quanzong card
(6) 188bet app ingredients and quantitative changes Report forms
(7) Case Paper Directory Registry
(8) General Registration Book
2. Registration of the work status of the 188bet app
(1) Working log
(2) Personnel enters and out of the warehouse register
(3) 188bet app Entry and Exit Library Registration
(4) Files to count, check registration
(V) Registration book
(6) Users Registration Card
(7) 188bet app borrowing a register
(8) 188bet app replication, excerpt registration
(9) Use the effect registration form
Section 3Archive statistics work (2 hours)
1. Basic requirements of archive statistics
2. Step of archive statistics
(1) Statistics survey
(2) Statistics finishing
(3) Statistics analysis
Evaluation requirements:
1. Overview of archive statistics
(1) Content of the statistical work of 188bet app (knowledge)
(2) The role of 188bet app statistics
2. 188bet app registration work
(1) Catalog of Cases and Documents in the Volume (Understand)
(2) Famous Ram (Understanding)
(3) Quanzong card (understand)
(4) 188bet app ingredients and quantitative changes Report forms (understanding)
(V) Catalog of Case Paper (understand)
Third, the work status of the 188bet app
(1) Working log (understand)
(2) Registration of personnel entering and exiting the warehouse (understand)
(3) 188bet app borrowing a register (Consciousness)
(4) 188bet app replication, excerpt registration (understanding)
4. Archive statistics work
(1) Basic requirements of the statistical work of 188bet app (understanding)
(2)Step of the Statistics of 188bet app (Consciousness)
Chapter 7 Overview of the development and utilization of 188bet app information resources
Teaching points:
Development of 188bet app information resources,is the archives department adopting professional methods and modern technology according to social needs,Excavation、Collection、Processing、Storage、Useful information in the archives collected by the transmission house,Easy to use,To achieve the value and role of the 188bet app 。The significance and principles of the development of 188bet app information resources,The main obstacles and measures that should be adopted by the development of 188bet app information resources,The meaning of the provision of the archives and the formation and development of the theory of archives in my country is the content that students need to focus on。
Teaching hours:
The teaching hours of this chapter are 5 hours.
Teaching content:
Section 1 The significance and principles of the development of 188bet app information resources (1 time)
a,The meaning of the development of 188bet app information resources
2,The meaning of the development of 188bet app information resources
(1)The development of 188bet app information resources is the fundamental way to realize the value of the 188bet app
(2)Archive information resources development is the need for the development of the 188bet app
(3)Archive information resource development can make 188bet app work better for socialist spiritual civilization and material civilization
3,Principles of the Development of 188bet app Information Resources
(1)The basic principles of the collection
(2)Principles of information order
(3)Information activation principle
(4)Make full use of principles
(5)Comprehensive benefits principles
Section 2 The main obstacles and measures that should be taken in the development of 188bet app information resources (2 hours)
a,The main obstacle facing the development of the current archive information resources
(1)Social environment
(2)The archive department itself
(3)User obstacles
2,Measures should be taken by the development of 188bet app information resources
(1)Innovation concept
(2)Do a good job of publicity and improve the environment
(3)Optimize rich collection and improve archive information development agencies,Establish a security system for resource and personnel
(4)Full modernization technology
(5)Based on market -oriented, targeting creation of brand -name products
(6)Road to the characteristic development
Section 3 The meaning of the provision of the 188bet app provides the theory of the theory of archives using the theory of the archives (2 school hours)
a,188bet app provides the meaning of work
2,The formation and development of the theory of 188bet app use the theory
Evaluation requirements:
a,The significance and principles of the development of 188bet app information resources (knowledge)
2,The main obstacles and measures that should be taken by the development of 188bet app information resources (understanding)
3,The meaning of the use of files provides the formation and development of the theory of 188bet app using the theory of 188bet app (Consciousness)
Chapter 8Search for files
Teaching points:
188bet app retrieval refers to processing the archives (room) of the archives、Storage,and find a business work of the 188bet app according to the specific needs of the user,It is the basic means to carry out the use of work,It is a necessary condition for developing and using archive information resources。188bet app retrieval is the preliminary work of the development and utilization of 188bet app information,It is an important part of the 188bet app management work.,The archives are the focus and difficulty of this chapter。
Teaching hours:
The teaching hours of this chapter are 5 hours.
Teaching content:
Section 1Overview of 188bet app Search (1 time)
1. The meaning of 188bet app retrieval
188bet app retrieval includes two processes: 188bet app information storage and inspection.
2. 188bet app retrieval efficiency
Section 2File records (2 hours)
a,The meaning of the 188bet app recorded
2,The promulgation of the "Regulations of the 188bet app "
3,Content of the recorded rules
(1) Recording item
(2) Identity symbol
(3) Records of the records
(IV) The source of text and record information
(5) The recording unit and the recording detailed simplified step
Four, 188bet app record project rules
(1) Title and responsibility description
(2) Manuscript and text item
(3) Trends and storage period items
(4) Time item
(5) Type and morphological item
(6) Note and referral items
(7) Rank inspection and number item
Section 3Archives (1 time)
I. The meaning of the 188bet app
2. 188bet app classification target
(1) The meaning of classification target
(II) Program for 188bet app Classification Bids
Three, the theme of the 188bet app
(1) The meaning of the theme of the 188bet app
(2) Program for the theme of the 188bet app
Section 4File retrieval tool (1 time)
1. The meaning of the 188bet app retrieval tool
2. The functions of the 188bet app retrieval tool
Three, the type of 188bet app retrieval tool
4. Preparation of 188bet app retrieval tools
Evaluation requirements:
1. Overview of 188bet app retrieval
(1) The meaning of 188bet app retrieval (knowledge)
(2) 188bet app retrieval efficiency
2. 188bet app records
(1) The meaning of the 188bet app recorded (understand)
(2) Content of the recorded rules (knowledge)
(3) Recording the record format (understand)
(4) In the source of the text and the source of information (understand)
(5) The recording unit and the detailed simplified step (knowledge)
(6) 188bet app recording item Details (understand)
Three, 188bet app
(1) The meaning of the archive target (understand)
(2) 188bet app Classification Bid (Consciousness)
4. 188bet app retrieval tool
(1) Types of 188bet app retrieval tools (understanding)
(2) Preparation of 188bet app retrieval tools (knowledge)
Chapter 9Editing and research of files
Teaching points:
188bet app and research work is the editor and research work based on the 188bet app of the 188bet app .,At the same time, it is also the 188bet app to develop 188bet app information resources,An important business activity serving the society。The editing and research of files belongs to the scope of the development and utilization of archive information,Research characteristics,Requires broad knowledge and 188bet app expertise,Focus on writing the reference materials of 188bet app 。
Teaching hours:
The teaching hours of this chapter are 4 hours.
Teaching content:
Section 1Overview of 188bet app editing and research work (2 hours)
a,Content of the archive editing and research work
(1) Archives of archives and current agencies 188bet app compilation
(2) Edit 188bet app excerpts compilation
(3) Writing 188bet app reference materials
(4) Editing history
2. The meaning of 188bet app editing and research
Third, the characteristics of 188bet app work
Section 2File reference materials (2 hours)
a,The meaning of the reference materials of the 188bet app
2. The type of reference materials for files
Three, the compilation of commonly used 188bet app reference materials
(1) Big event
(2) Organization along the leather husband
(3) The topic is summary
(4) Introduction to the meeting
(5) Statistics digital gathering
Evaluation requirements
1. Overview of 188bet app editing and research
(1) Content of the 188bet app editing and research work (knowledge)
(2) The meaning of the 188bet app editing and research work
(3) The characteristics of the stool work (understand)
2. 188bet app reference materials
(1) The meaning of the reference materials of the 188bet app (understand)
(2) The type of reference materials for files (understanding)
(3) Writing of commonly used archive reference materials (knowledge)
Chapter 10File provides use
Teaching points:
The use of 188bet app provision is the last part of the archive management work,It is also the ultimate purpose of 188bet app management。It is based on the archives department based on the collected archives cultural wealth,Through a certain way and method,Provide 188bet app information directly,A business activity serving the cause of the society。The development and utilization of 188bet app information is the ultimate purpose of archive management,It is also the ultimate manifestation of the quality of the archives management work。Main ways to master the use of archives,Conditions for open files、According to and method。
Teaching hours:
The teaching hours of this chapter are 4 hours.
Teaching content:
Section 1Archives Provide an overview of work (1 time)
1. The meaning of the work provides the work of the work
2. The theoretical basis for providing the work of using the single 188bet app
Third, the guidance of the 188bet app provides the use of work
4. The main way to use the 188bet app
Section 2File consulting service (1 time)
1. Basic content of archive consulting services
2. Types of 188bet app consulting services
Three, steps of 188bet app information service
Section 3File user research work (1 time)
1. Principles of the needs of 188bet app user needs
2. Master and objective factors affecting the needs of the 188bet app
Third, the use requirements of archive users
Section 4Open 188bet app work (1 time)
1. The meaning of open files
2. The meaning of open files
3. Conditions for open files
4. Announced files
Evaluation requirements:
1. Overview of the 188bet app provision of the 188bet app
(1) The meaning of the work provides the meaning of the work
(2) The main method of providing the use of files (knowledge)
(3) The theoretical basis for using the single 188bet app to provide utilization work (understand)
(4) The guidance of the 188bet app provides the guidance of work
2. Archive consultation service
(1) Basic content of the 188bet app consulting service (understand)
(2) Types of 188bet app consulting services (understanding)
(3) Steps of 188bet app information service (knowledge)
Three, 188bet app user research work
(1) Principles of the needs of 188bet app user needs (understand)
(2) Lord that affects the needs of archive users、Objective factors (understand)
(3) Demand features of 188bet app users
Four, open 188bet app work
(1) The meaning of an open 188bet app (understand)
(2) The meaning of open files (understanding)
(3)Conditions of open files (knowledge)
Chapter 11Introduction to Special 188bet app
Teaching points:
The special 188bet app is the agency、Enterprise、public institutions and other social organizations,In some professional activities,The total name of a relatively stable 188bet app format and a variety of door -class archives formed to achieve related functions。This chapter mainly master the concept of specialized archives、Constitutional conditions and characteristics,Management of specialized files,Management system for specialized files。
Teaching hours:
The teaching hours of this chapter are 4 hours.
Teaching content:
Overview of Special 188bet app (1 time)
a,The concept of specialized files
2,Special 188bet app and its constituent conditions
(1)Formed in a certain professional agency or department
(2)The content of the 188bet app 、Form、Function、The processing program and management method have obvious characteristics
(3)There are a certain number
(4)It has a divisibility, which is operable
3,Features of specialized files
(2)Single sex
(3)Number of similar files
Section 2 Special 188bet app
Management(1 time)
a,Special files need to be kept separately
2,The basic principles followed by special 188bet app management
(1)Special files must be concentrated in the management of the comprehensive 188bet app room of the unit
(2)Maintenance of the complete and security of specialized files
3,Preparation category
(1)The actual use of the purpose of the class
(2)Category Destination Science and Systematic
(3)Category is relatively stable and scientific applicability
(4)Category Purpose Guarantee
Section 3Management system for specialized files(2 hours)
a,Awareness, strengthen leadership, improve institutions, and improve facilities
2,Establish a sound archive management system, and standardize the management of specialized 188bet app
3,Carefully collect and sort out,Make sure the integrity of the special 188bet app 、authenticity、Systematic
Four,Do a good job of development and utilization, and use the service functions of specialized 188bet app
Evaluation requirements:
a,The concept, constituent and characteristics of the special 188bet app (knowledge)
2,Management of specialized files (understanding)
3,Management system (understanding)

Chapter 12 Personnel 188bet app
Teaching points:
Personnel files are organization、Personnel、The labor department formed in personnel management activities,Description and reflection of personnel experience、The performance and work performance of De Neng,The historical records of various methods and carriers in the units of the individual units。This chapter mainly master the meaning of personnel files,Collection and identification of personnel files,Classification of personnel files,Transfer and inspection of personnel files。
Teaching hours:
The teaching hours of this chapter are 4 hours.
Teaching content:
Section 1Personnel files and personnel 188bet app work(1 time)
a,Personnel 188bet app
2,Personnel 188bet app work
(1)The basic tasks of personnel 188bet app work and the responsibility of the personnel archives management department
(2)Management system for personnel 188bet app work
(3)Personnel 188bet app work institution
Section 2Collection and identification of personnel files(1 time)
a,Collection of personnel files
2,Identification of personnel files
(1)Principles of identifying work
(2)Differential content and methods
(3)Remove the processing of materials
Section 3Classification of personnel files(1 time)
a,Classification of Personal Files
(1)Resume materials
(2)Autobiographical materials
(3)Appraisal, assessment, inspection materials
(4)Education、Materials for the skills of professional and technical positions and evaluation of job skills
(5)Political Historical Examination Materials
(6)Joining the party, joining the group
(7)Reward materials
(8)Powering materials
(9)Recruitment、Appointment and removal、Going abroad、Salary、treatment and materials representatives of various representative conferences
(10)Other materials available for organizational reference
2,Classification of a copy
3,Arrangement of internal archive materials
Section 4Transfer and inspection of personnel files(1 time)
a,Transfer and inspection of personnel files
2,Review of personnel files
(1)The principles and scope of checking
(2)Requirement requirements
(3)Check procedures and procedures
(4)The procedures for issuing certifications and copying 188bet app materials
Evaluation requirements:
a,Personnel 188bet app meaning (understanding)
2,Collection and identification of personnel files (understanding)
3,Classification of personnel files (knowledge)
Four,The transfer and inspection of personnel files (knowledge)

Chapter 13 Accounting 188bet app
Teaching points:
Accounting files are agencies、Enterprise、Accounting vouchers produced by public institutions or other economic organizations in economic management activities、Accounting books and financial reports such as preserved value and as historical records of accounting accounting professional materials。This chapter mainly master the concept of accounting files,Collection and storage of accounting files,Accounting 188bet app sorting,Appraisal and destruction of accounting files,Provision of accounting files。
Teaching hours:
The teaching hours of this chapter are 4 hours.
Teaching content:
Section 1Overview of accounting files(1 time)
a,Definition of accounting files
2,Features of accounting files
3,The role of accounting files
(1)Information provides use
(2)Voucher Check the effect
(3)Supervision and inspection function
(4)Historical research role
Four,Accounting 188bet app work
Section 2Collection and storage of accounting files(1 time)
a,Requirements for the collection of accounting files
(1)Carefully implement the "Unified Leadership,Hierarchical Management,Concentrated unified management of accounting files
(2)Collection work must follow the formation of the formation of accounting files
(3)Collection work must ensure the complete, complete and accurate of the accounting files
2,Archives of Accounting 188bet app Materials
3,Emissions of the accounting 188bet app box and accounting 188bet app
(1)Accounting 188bet app box
(2)Emissions of accounting files
Section 3Organization of accounting files(1 time)
a,The content and principles of the finishing of the accounting 188bet app
2,Classification of accounting files
3,The quality and adjustment of the accounting 188bet app paper
Four,Camera of Accounting 188bet app
Section 4Appraisal and destruction of accounting files(0.5 hours)
a,Determination of the storage period of accounting files
2,Organizational leaders and methods of accounting 188bet app appraisal
3,Destruction of accounting files
Section 5Provision of accounting files(0.5 hours)
a,The way to develop accounting 188bet app information resources
2,Searching tools for accounting files
3,Accounting 188bet app editing and research work
Evaluation requirements:
a,Accounting 188bet app concept (understanding)
2,The collection and storage of accounting files (understanding)
3,Accounting 188bet app sorting (understanding)
Four,The identification and destruction of the accounting 188bet app (understanding)
Five,Provide (understanding) of accounting files

Chapter 14 Sound 188bet app
Teaching points:
Sound image files are national institutions、Social organizations and individuals engage in politics、Economy、Science and Culture、Education、Military and other activities formed、Save value、A sound and image as the carrier,Historical records supplemented by text description。This chapter mainly master the concept of sound image files,Photo 188bet app ,Recording and video files。
Teaching hours:
The teaching hours of this chapter are 4 hours.
Teaching content:
Section 1Overview of Sound 188bet app (1 time)
a,Definition of sound image files
2,Features of Sound 188bet app
3,The role of the sound image 188bet app
Four,Sound image 188bet app work
Section 2Photo 188bet app (1 time)
a,The composition and type of photo 188bet app
2,Provide and use the management of photo files
Section 3Recording, video 188bet app (2 hours)
a,Record 188bet app
2,Recording, video 188bet app
Evaluation requirements:
a,The concept of sound image 188bet app (understanding)
2,Photo 188bet app (understanding)
3,Recording, video 188bet app (understanding)

Chapter 15 188bet app Information Introduction
Teaching points:
188bet app information is national informatization、Regional informationization、Important part of industry informationization and institutional information,It is also the core task of contemporary archives theory and practice。This chapter mainly master the concept of archive information、Content,The development stage of the informatization of archives in my country,The significance and principles of development of 188bet app information。
Teaching hours:
The teaching hours of this chapter are 4 hours.
Teaching content:
Section 1The concept and content of the archive information(1 time)
a,The concept of archive information
2,Content of the informatization of the 188bet app
Section 2The development stage of the informatization of 188bet app in my country(1 time)
a,Starting stage
2,Growth stage
3,Improvement phase
Section 3The significance and principle of development of 188bet app information(2 hours)
a,The meaning of the informationization of the 188bet app
2,Principles of the development principle of 188bet app information
Evaluation requirements:
a,The concept, content (understanding)
2,The development stage of my country's 188bet app informatization (understanding)
3,The significance and principles of development of 188bet app information (understanding)

Chapter 16 Electronic 188bet app Management [Self -Study]
Self -learning points:
Electronic files are generated in digital equipment and environment,stored in tapes in a digital form、Disk、CD and other carriers,Relying on digital devices such as computers and other digital devices、Treatment,and files that can be transmitted in the communication network。This chapter mainly master the concept and technical characteristics of electronic filesObjectives and methods of electronic 188bet app management,The formation and classification of electronic files,Appraisal and archiving of electronic files,The recording and development of electronic files,Storage and transfer of electronic files
Self -learning content:
Section 1The concept and technical characteristics of electronic files
a,Electronic 188bet app concept
2,Technical characteristics of electronic files
Section 2Objectives and methods of electronic 188bet app management
a,Objective to electronic 188bet app management
2,Methods of electronic 188bet app management
Section 3The formation and classification of electronic files
a,Formation of electronic files
2,Classification of electronic files
Section 4Appraisal and archiving of electronic files
a,Appraisal of electronic files
2,188bet app of electronic files
Section 5The recording and development of electronic files
a,Call of electronic files
2,The development and utilization of electronic files
Section 6Storage and transfer of electronic files
a,Storage of electronic files
2,The transfer of electronic files to enter the museum
Evaluation requirements:
a,The concept and technical characteristics of electronic filesObjectives and methods of electronic 188bet app management
2,The formation and classification of electronic files
3,Appraisal and archiving of electronic files
Four,The recording and development of electronic files
Five,Storage and transfer of electronic files

Chapter 17 188bet app Digitalization
Teaching points:
188bet app digitalization is to be stored on the traditional carrier through a certain technical means、Archive information existing in analog form is converted into a digital form、The process of information that computers can identify and process。This chapter mainly master the concept and workflow of the digitalization of archives,Requirements for digital work of files,Key technology for digitalization of files,Cases of Digitalization of 188bet app 。
Teaching hours:
The teaching hours of this chapter are 4 hours.
Teaching content:
Section 1The concept and workflow of the digitalization of the 188bet app (1School hours)
a,188bet app digital concept
2,188bet app digital workflow
Section 2Requirements for digital work of files (1School hours)
a,Reasonable target
2,Comply with regulations
3,Follow the standard
Four,Management Integrated
Five,mutual assistance collaboration
6.Reinforcement verification
Section 3Key technology of digitalization of files (1School hours)
a,Digital processing technology
2,Automatic recognition technology and method
Section 4Digitalization of 188bet app (1School hours)
a,Cabinet Dali 188bet app Management Following Revolution
2,The guarantee of digitalization of the large library 188bet app of the cabinet
3,The digital process of the cabinet large library 188bet app
Four,The results of the digitalization of the large library 188bet app of the cabinet
Evaluation requirements:
a,The concept and workflow of the digitalization of the 188bet app (understanding)
2,Requirements for digital work of files (understand)
3,Key technologies for digitalization of files (understanding)
Four,188bet app digital case (understanding)
3,Reference Bibliography:
1.Chen Zhiwei、Deng Shaoxing、Liu Yuenan,"188bet app Management",Renmin University of China Press, 2008, 3rd edition。
2.Feng Huiling,"Introduction to 188bet app ",Renmin University of China Press, 2006, 1st edition。
3.Gong Xiaodong,"Enterprise 188bet app Management",Higher Education Press 2002 edition。
This course uses teaching aids and modern education technology
Due to the practicality of this lesson,So this course can use multimedia technology to show lecture outline,Provide questions with questions。
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