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This year,Our school's student mental health guidance service center establishes a class 188bet login committee member system in the school,Choose one or two classmates who meet or comply with conditions from each class,Training by the 188bet login center,After passing the assessment,As a 188bet login member of this class,It aims to give full play to the mutual assistance role between students,Promote the understanding and use of college students of our university for mental health and 188bet login health knowledge,Improve their mental health and cultivate good 188bet login quality,and help students who have 188bet login distress solve the problem,Timely discovery and referring to students who need professional 188bet apkConsultation and treatment。
1. The meaning of tutoring guidance
Class 188bet login committee members play the role of peer guidance。Friends counseling refers to people give each other 188bet login comfort during interpersonal communication、​​Encouragement、persuasion and support,Provide a help process with 188bet login counseling function。It can be understood as a non -professional 188bet login 188bet loginworker as a helper is engaged in a helping activity similar to 188bet login counseling。In college,Friends counseling mainly refers to students who have been trained and supervised to seek help for help,Provide interpersonal help with 188bet login counseling function。Friends counseling can be active or passive,It can be general or obstacle,It can be one -to -one or one -to -one or more pairs。
2. Targets of Periodic Counseling
1.Promote positive outlook on life on campus.
2.Establish campus culture for mutual assistance and mutual love,Assist students to get emotional and interpersonal relationships
3.Help students solve their difficulties,and early referring to need
4. Training guys counselors become model students,Give full play to the positive interactive effect of the generations。
Three, the basic beliefs of tutoring guidance
1. Young people feel that the question of talking to her friends is a natural and comfortable thing。
2. Young people think that friends will be easier to understand themselves,So when there is a problem,The first choice of friends talk。
3. The influence of the mutual generation is not to be ignored,188bet login counseling of peers is using this interactive relationship。Selecting suitable students for training and supervision,Makes them impact on the positive ones on their peers。
4. Friends counselors pass by helping others,Not only can help friends solve their difficulties,Can enhance self -recognition,As a result, the spirit of helping others & rdquo; spirit,Promote self -growth。
4、Knowing the guidance and 188bet login counseling、The relationship between psychotherapy and 188bet login counseling
Everyone will encounter various causes of the body during the growth process、New problems caused by 188bet login and external environmental changes,Or so you must learn new knowledge and skills。That is to say,It is an inevitable thing for everyone to help others in the process of growing up。
Friends counseling and 188bet login counseling、Psychotherapy and 188bet login counseling are helpful to help the help.,Promote its change or growth。They have their own characteristics and independence。Do not confuse the difference between them。
188bet login counseling (including friend counseling)
188bet login 188bet apkConsultation
Provide service staff
Professional or non -professional
Service object
Generally normal people
People with 188bet login problems and obstacles in normal groups
People with abnormal behaviors
Gong energy
Preventive development
Obstacles and development
Correct obstacles
Service content
Provide general information
Emotional Social Emotion, etc.
between the two
Provide personal emotions and cognitive discussions based on individual differences
Service method
Structural large group written
Individual or group
Individual or group
Service venue
School or community
Social service agency
Medical institution
School of 188bet login Clinic
5、Class 188bet login committee member (counselor) should meet the basic conditions
1.Personal basic level: academic、Home、Social、Economy、Health。
2.Personality: Emotional stability、Have positive thinking、Sincerity、Kailang and approachable、Respect others、Easy to accept others、Good at communication、The feelings of keen others、Patience、A sense of responsibility。
3.188bet login Quality: There is the ability of self -refreshment、188bet login factors behind the behavior of insight、Have the same mind、Can carry the negative experience of life and convert it into strength、willing to learn,I can correct my thoughts when necessary。
4.Brotter for training: Understand the content of the training and willing to pay、willing to promote mutual assistance on school & ldquo;。
6. Class 188bet login Member (Counselor) Ethics Code
Happy to fulfill the obligation: also known as benefit otherism。This kind of counsel is a kind of obligation labor,Counselor should always consider the interests of the parties and society,Think about others as much as possible。A lot of time and energy to take up the counselor,To arrange your own learning reasonably、Life、Work。
Can be kept secret: the most important principles in 188bet login counseling and counseling,It is the basis for establishing a good relationship between the counselor and the parties,It is an important moral specification for the counselor。The scope of confidentiality: Conservative conversation content、Do not disclose the name 188bet loginof the parties to the third party、Refuse to investigate the situation of the parties、Respect the reasonable requirements of the parties。The limitations of confidentiality: the parties make behaviors or plans about hurting others or hurting themselves,Report to the relevant institutions of the school,Remind the people around you to give more attention and care; when doing judicial investigations, you need to provide information from the parties。
With a sense of morality and legal consciousness: prevent the parties from the empathy of the parties and the counselor use the incident of the parties to hurt the parties' incidents。Counselor who violates professional ethics and ethics will be punished by law。
Reporting ability: Counselor must realize that his knowledge and ability and the help that can be provided are limited,When you encounter a 188bet login problem that you do not follow your heart or cannot handle it,Need to be referred: seek more social support; to experienced students、Teachers or 188bet login teachers and experts ask for advice; refer to school 188bet login center or other 188bet login institutions outside the school。
Seven, Class 188bet login Commissioner Work Responsibilities
1.Work under the leadership and guidance of our school's student mental health guidance service center,Regularly report to the center of this class to carry out the development of the class。
2.He has a high sense of responsibility and loves the work of 188bet login committees.
3.Responsible for the publicity of the 188bet login and mental health knowledge of this class.
4.Organize the 188bet login activity of group group groups.
5.Cooperate with other classes to carry out 188bet login activities of the college.
6.Help students with general 188bet login distress solve the problem.
7.Sincerity、Enthusiastic、Patiently treats every classmate who needs help。
8.No responsible help exceeding personal ability.
9.Timely discovery and report to the 188bet login center to report to students with heavy or serious 188bet login problems in this class。
10.It is serious that the problem of classmates is discovered,When you are unable to help,It should be persuaded to consult the other party's 188bet login counseling room for 188bet apkConsultation,188bet apkand make an appointment for him to talk about time。Contact Teacher: Zuo Dan。Tel: 7971054、7971104
11.Follow the principle of confidentiality,Do not talk to others casually。
12.Limitation of confidentiality: (1) Do not keep confidential when investigating the judicial department。(2) Do not keep confidential with the teacher and consultant of the 188bet login center (3) If the parties have a plan to hurt others or hurt themselves or behaviors, they must be immediately reported to the teacher and the 188bet login center,Timely intervention。
13.Special training organized by participating in the 188bet login center、Lectures and activities,Constantly enrich your 188bet login knowledge and tutoring skills。
14.Assisting the 188bet login Center to complete the establishment of the college's freshman 188bet login file。
15.Consciously maintain the 188bet login center、Class 188bet login Commissioner's reputation,Not to damage the words and deeds of this industry。
8. Training content of class 188bet login committee members
1.Class 188bet login Committee's own growth training (most important part)
2.Friends Counseling Skills Course: Respect、Same feel、Sincerity、Trust、Free translation、Listen、Focus on behavior、Free translation、Summary、
Open questioning and so on.
3.Practice and supervision
& mdash; decompression counseling
& mdash; interpersonal relationship counseling
& mdash; Learning 188bet login counseling
& mdash; Love 188bet login counseling
& mdash; suicide prevention and intervention
9. Personal assessment of class 188bet login committee members
Evaluation scope:
& mdash; Personal growth of a friend counselor
& mdash; Counseling knowledge and skills of counselor instructor
& mdash; Activities organized by the counselor of the generations
Evaluation method:
& mdash; Questionnaire survey
& mdash; Self -reporting of the counselor of the friends
& mdash; 188bet login test
& mdash; Personal response
& mdash; Group response
& mdash; Class response
Northwest Normal University188bet login Health Guidance Service Center
2008November 1st
188bet login