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Publisher: College of Literature 2Release time: 2023-08-24Views:6204


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Hong Shuai, male,December 1978 Born,Henan Xiayi people,Doctor of Literature。ProfessorInstitute of Language Research Institute of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences,Visiting scholars at Stanford University in the United States。Chinese Language Society、Chinese Xunxun Society、Member of the Chinese Dictionary Society。"Research on the Research of Jane Scholars and Extraction of Literature"。Mainly engaged in ancient 188bet appChinese、Chinese Vocabulary History and Teaching and Scientific Research Work。

July 1996 joined the work.

August 2004-June 2007,Study study at the School of Arts of Henan University,Master of Literature。

August 2007-June 2010,Reading at the School of Literature and News at Sichuan University,Doctor of Literature。

In July 2010, he entered Northwest Normal University.

In July 2012, he was hired as an associate professor in the Academy of Literature.

In January 2013, he was hired as a master's tutor.

July 2014-July 2017,Post -doctoral research at the Institute of Language of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences。

September 2018-September 2019,Funded by the State Study Abroad Fund,Visit Study at Stanford University, USA。

2022yearIn December, he was hired as a professor of the School of Literature.

[Open Course]

1. Undergraduate: Ancient Chinese、Basic vocabulary、Introduction to Linguistics、Ancient Book Note Explanation、University Chinese。

2. Graduate: Chinese History Vocabulary、Middle Ages and modern Chinese research、Xue Xue、Western linguistics name selection、Jane's Literature Reading

[Research direction]

Ancient Chinese, Modern Chinese, History of Chinese Vocabulary, Jian Xue

[Scientific Research Achievement]

1. Thesis

In "Ancient Chinese Research", "Language Research", "Research on Dictionary", "Contemporary Dictionary", "Research on History Linguistics", "Journal of Chinese History", "Chinese History Research Collection", "Chinese Literature History Cong", "Chinese Construction", "Chinese Construction" 188bet app downloadResearch on religious studies "" Research on the Ming and Qing Novels "," Journal of Southwest Jiaotong University ", etc.CSSCI source journal、Core journals and "People's Daily", "Chinese Social Sciences" and "China Reading News" published more than 40 papers。Representative papers include: "Classification Description and Cause Examination of Complex Words Time -Time Mutation", "Sleeping" words and structural transformations "," Classification description of the transition "purchasing" prosthetic verbs and dictionary words "" " Types of the Tang and Five Dynasties、Constitutional Group and Causes "" Cognitive Mechanisms derived from Dunhuang Poetry "," Research on Dunhuang Poetry Simpling "," Research on New Words of Dunhuang Poetry and Songs " "Dunhuang Poetry and" Chinese Dictionary "compiled", "Book of Scriptures", "Notes of Scriptures", "The Dialect Explanation and Commenting Discussion" of "Awakening Marriage"。

2. Monaste

"Research on Dunhuang Poetry and Volume" (Guangming Daily Press,2013) was selected as the "College Social Science Library" of the Ministry of Education.Cultivation of "Wen Tingyu Poems" (Business Press,In 2022, selected "New Editor of Student Student Series").Participated in the editor -in -chief of Bai Weiguo、"Modern Chinese Dictionary" by Jiang Lansheng and Vice -editor of Wang Weihui (four volumes,Shanghai Education Press,2015)。

3. Project

1) The National Social Science Fund Youth Project "Dunhuang Poetry and Song Vocabulary Research" (13cyy051),Fund: 180,000 yuan, Host,2020 terminal 188bet appitem,Certificate of NEMS: 20202249。

​​2) The general project of the National Social Science Fund "New Putonghuang Hanjuan Vocabulary Research and Corgal Library Construction" (20byy139),Fund: 200,000 yuan, Host,Research。

3)The Ministry of Education Humanities and Social Science Research Youth Fund Project"Comprehensive Research on Dunhuang Poetry and Poetry and Verification"12yjc740029), funds:70,000 yuan, Host,2014 settlement, the item certificate number: 2014jxz2848.

4) The 57th batch of China Postdoctoral Science Foundation's 57th Face -to -Territable Project "Research on Dunhuang Poetry and Songs" (2015M570208),Fund: 80,000 yuan, Host,2017 ending item。

5) The Ninth Batch of the Ninth Batch of the Ninth Batch of the Chinese Postdoctoral Science Fund "Research on the Five Dynasties of the Tang Dynasty" (2016T90176),Fund: 150,000 yuan, Host,2017 ending item。

6) Gansu Provincial Social Science Planning Project "Corpus -based Xianquan Hanjian Vocabulary Research" (20YB031),Fund: 30,000 yuan, Host,Research。

7) The backbone project of the Youth Teacher of the Northwest Normal University "Fusion and Disposal: Research on Dunhuang Poetry and lyrics in Multi -Perspective" (SKQNGG1205),Fund: 30,000 yuan, Host,2013 ending item。

Another,Also participate in the National Social Science Fund project (including key projects、General projects and western projects)4, one of the humanities and social science projects of the Ministry of Education.

[Research Reward]

1. October 2016,Won the second prize 188bet app downloadof outstanding achievements in scientific research in Gansu Province。

2. May 2017,I won the second prize at the May 4th Youth Academic Speech at the Institute of Language of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences。

[Other rewards]

1. October 2012,It was rated as the spring semester of Northwestern Normal University (eighth batch) Excellent instructor of Xinjiang Internship support teaching。

2. December 2013,In the Gansu Provincial Department of Education "Anti -Four Winds,Learning Style "Essay Contest won the first prize。

3. 2016,Selection of the 2nd "Double Star Program" in Northwest Normal University,It was rated as "Star of Young Teachers Teaching and Research Star" 。

4. 2018,selected as the 3rd "Double Star Plan" for Northwest Normal University,It was rated as "Star of Young Teachers Teaching and Research Star"。

5. 2019,The "Memory Crossing the Pacific Ocean" essay contest jointly organized by the Chinese envoy (lead) museum and People's Daily (overseas version) won the first prize。

6. September 2021,"My favorite teacher" in the minds of the ninth student of Northwest Normal University。

7. 2022 December 30,Guo Jianan, a graduate student in the "Dunhuang Han Jian" noun research, was named as an excellent master's degree in Gansu Province。

June 2023,Won the "Gansu Provincial Higher School Young Teacher's Capital Award"。



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