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Publisher: College of Literature 2Release time: 2013-11-16Views:8508

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Shan Fang,Female,Born in April 1965,People from Linfen, Shanxi,Doctor of Literature,Participate in July 1985,In July 2012, he was hired as a professor at the School of Literature,In January 2009, he was hired as a master's tutor。

[Open Course]
1、Undergraduate: Tang and Song Literature、Selection and reading of literary works in China、History of Chinese Ci、Tang poetry research、Word Study Theory

2, graduate student:

[Research direction]

Ancient Chinese Literature Tang and Song Literature direction

[Scientific research results]
1. Thesis: Published more than 30 papers。Representative works include: Yan Shu's lyrical threshold and aesthetic interest "Northwest Division University News" 2001。For the first time, Li Bai went out of Changan's annual annual dismissal "Li Bai's Complete Works Annotation" "China Li Bai Research" Huangshan Book Club 2002。On Liu Qingyun and "Little Penglai Fairy Museum Legend","Northwest Division University News" 2004、6。On the narrative art of Dunhuang rap literature,"Dunhuang Research" 2005、6。"Wu Zizhen's Change" and "Wu Member Blowjob" miscellaneous drama comparison,188bet apk"Dunhuang Research" 2008、5。Southern Song Dynasty Ci Poetry Research Review "Gansu Social Sciences" 2009、4,"The Year of the Song Dynasty Literature Research Yearbook" was reprinted in 2011。The relationship between Du Fu presented Jia Zhi Shi to explore his political status and poetic style,"Du Fu Research Journal" 2011、1。On the influence of Confucian poetry and educational on the theory of the Song Dynasty,"Northwest Division University News" 2011、3。On the innovation and significance of Xin Qiji on the view of traditional words,"Journal of Ningxia Teachers College" 2011、2。On the expression of the image of Song Ci clothing image and cultural function "Gansu Social Sciences" 2011、4。Copy information of the National People's Congress "Ancient China、Modern Literature Research 188bet app download"2012、1 full text reprint 。
2. Monaste: Publishing a monograph 4。Representative works: "Research on the Southern Song Dynasty" (Bashu Book Society) "Tang and Song Literature Creation and Concepts 嬗 Change theory" (People's Publishing House)。
3. Project: Presides 1 Graduate Graduate Tutor Project 1,Participate in the National Social Fund project、1 item of the project of the ancient committee of colleges and universities。



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