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Publisher: System AdministratorRelease time: 2013-11-15Views:4697


Huang Huaiyu,Male,Born in April 1962,Gansu Lintong people,Master of Literature,Participate in July 1985,July 2007 hired as a professor of the School of Literature,hired as a master's tutor in January 2005,Elected as vice chairman of the Gansu Television Artists Association in November 2010。
[Open Course]
Aesthetics、Film and Television Aesthetics、Film and Television Drama Research、Aesthetic Principles、188bet appPublic Relations、Social Psychology。
[Research direction]
film and television aesthetics, aesthetics.
[Scientific Research Achievement]
1、Thesis: In the People's Daily、"Contemporary Movie"、"China TV"、"Research on Electrification Education"、"Northwest Division University News"、"Gansu Social Science"、"Ningxia Social Science"、"press"、"Chinese Cultural Industry Review" and other more than 40 academic papers,Representative results include: "Research on the Comparison of the Environment of Film and Television's Environment and the Psychology of the audience & mdash; & mdash; Thinking about the Social Psychology of Film"、"Theory of Psychology of Literature and Art"、"Non -Artistic Thinking about Aesthetic Issues"、"Audience TV Criticism 188beton the Value -oriented of the audience"、"Screen calls the image of farmers"、"The existence of aesthetics or aesthetics and the freedom value of people & mdash; & mdash; also discuss the mistakes of life aesthetics"、"The Institute of Inscriptions of Zhang Yimou Film in the Hundred Years"、"Industrialization Development of Western Film and Television"、"Popular Spirit Mirror Image & MDASH; & MDASH; Comment on TV Series" Bruce Legend "、"Analysis of the Aesthetic Value of Western TV Series", etc.。
2、monograph: 8 parts of independent or cooperative publishing academic works,Representatives are: "Introduction to Film and Television"、"Selection of the Development Strategy of Cultural Industry in Western China"、"Practical Aesthetics"、"Aesthetic Tutorial", etc.。
3、Project: Presides the National Social Science Fund Project 1,Participate in the completion of 5 national and provincial and ministerial projects。
4、Award: Won 5 items of various rewards,Representative awards include: Second Prize of Excellent Achievement of Social Sciences in Gansu Province、The second prize of the outstanding achievement of the China Literary Federation、Outstanding Award for Academic Achievements of Film and Television Society of Chinese Universities。
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