Graduate students from the School of Liberal Arts “Contending of a Hundred Schools of Thought”,One of the academic month series activities of "Academic Innovation" - Professor Yang Xiaoao talks about the musicological perspective of 188bet slot casino Chinese literature research

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11Month 1stLate,Professor Yang Xiaoao, doctoral supervisor of the School of Liberal Arts, was invited to give an academic report entitled "Musicological Perspectives on 188bet slot casino Chinese Literature Research" in Room 409, Building B, Building 10。Graduate student in the School of Liberal Arts、More than 80 undergraduates and some graduate students from the School of Music listened to the report。
Yang XiaoaoProfessor studies 188bet slot casino Chinese literature from the perspective of musicology,And achieved outstanding results。Report meeting,She starts from the principle of academic innovation,Take your own research practice as an example,affectionately explained to the students that there are only innovative research methods in the study of 188bet slot casino Chinese literature,Only in order to achieve new research results in the field of literary research。Academic research should discover new problems from a new perspective,Research new issues,To achieve academic innovation。
After the report,Professor Yang Xiaoao had an in-depth discussion and exchange with the 188bet slot casino,The atmosphere at the venue was warm and harmonious。The report meeting is in line with this academic month activity“A hundred schools of thought contend,Academic Innovation”'s topic,Achieved good results,Lectures for teachers and 188bet slot casino in the coming academic month、The smooth development of a series of activities such as reading clubs has begun。
November 2, 2012
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