The school hires 188bet app Li Lan as a part-time professor in the School of Liberal Arts

Published by: System AdministratorRelease time: 2013-11-14Number of views:103

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A few days ago,The school held a part-time professor appointment ceremony,Deputy Director of the School Personnel Department、Director of the Talent Exchange Center Liu Huiyang issued a letter of appointment as a part-time professor to 188bet app Li Lan,Nie Wanpeng, Secretary of the Party Committee of the College、Dean Han Gaonian extends a warm welcome to 188bet app Li Lan。This is an important measure taken by our school to strengthen the discipline of linguistics and applied linguistics。
Professor Li Lan is currently a 188bet app at the Institute of Linguistics, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences,Professor of the Graduate School of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences,Doctoral Supervisor,Secretary-General (Acting President) of the National Chinese Dialect Society,Deputy Editor-in-Chief of Dialect Magazine,Principal 188bet app of the Innovation Project of the Institute of Languages, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences,Director of Dialect Department,Member of the 11th National Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference。In recent years,Professor Li Lan in "Chinese Language"、《Dialect》、Published more than 20 papers in core language journals such as "Ethnic Languages",Published 6 monographs,Building 4 databases,Develop 2 design language research software,Has a great influence in the field of linguistics at home and abroad。Recent,Professor Li Lan’s research topic is the "Major Innovation Project Plan of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences";Research on Gansu Dialects”Project。
Recruit 188bet app Li Lan as a part-time professor in the School of Liberal Arts,It will bring new vitality to the development of the language discipline of the college,It will also accelerate the rapid development of related disciplines。
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