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Publisher: College of Literature 2Release time: 2024-06-27Views:10

 (2024Years6Monthly revised)

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The first articleTo further accelerate the development of graduate education in the school,Improve the quality of graduate students,Study of incentive graduate students、Concentric scientific research、Courage to innovate、Pentamment,According to the "Implementation Measures for the Review of the Graduate Scholarship of Northwest Normal University (Revision) "(Western Division Party [2023]84No.) File spirit, combinedThe actual situation of our hospital,Detailed Rules for the Evaluation of Special Graduate Scholarships。

TwoGraduate scholarships include national scholarships, academic scholarships,SpecialScholarship.

Article 3Graduate scholarship funds are mainly fiscal funding,Coordinated tuition income、Social donations and other funds,Reward supporting graduate students who perform well to complete their studies。

Article 4  All the full -day research on the nationality of the People's Republic of China and the student status of Northwestern Normal UniversityThe students are qualified to apply.

Chapter 2 Review Conditions

No. 15stripBasic application conditions for graduate scholarships

(1) Love the socialist motherland,Leaders who support the Communist Party of China;

(2) Comply with the Constitution and Law, and abide by the rules and regulations of the school

(3) Honesty and trustworthy, excellent moral quality

(4) Actively participate in scientific research、Social practice、Physical exercise、Labor Education

(5) Good academic performance,Scientific research ability is significant,Development of moral, intellectual, physical, artistic and labor and labor。

No. 16stripOne of the following situations,Not with the qualifications for the graduate scholarship of the year:

(1) Those who have not been lifted in the disciplinary order of the participating school year;

(2) Plagiarism and plagiarism in the participating school year、Academic misconducts such as falsification and falsification are verified by those who are verified;

(3) State status of the school year of participation in the school year is in a suspension、Reserved students;

(4) Those who exceed the basic school period of the academic system;

(5) The selected courses are not as good as the course score;

(6) Failure to follow the prescribed timeApplicationRegistration procedures, malicious tuition and related expenses;

(7)Do not participate in academic reports organized by the college for no reason,Cultural and sports activities, social practice, labor education and other activitiesMore than three times (including three times);

(8) Those who open the questions and unqualified mid -term;

(9) ParticipateAdd illegal organization and activityandOther behaviors of the reputation of schools and colleges!

(10)Unblocked leave procedures,Leaving school without authorization; violation of apartment management regulations,Using high -power electrical appliances illegal 违、Cooking in the dormitory and other reporters; do not comply with other violations of the "Graduate Manual" illegal situation.

Seventhstrip inLearning period Basic studies,During the evaluation period, graduate students who have sent abroad or inter -school exchanges because the state and units are sent abroad,Still qualifications for graduate scholarships; study abroad due to private abroad、Disease、Graduate students who have not studied at school for entrepreneurs,During the period, in principle, no postgraduate scholarship is qualified。

No. 1eightstripDirect students and enrollment briefing indicate that the masterpiece of the middle degree is not awarded in the middle degree、Shuobo Reading Student,Determine the evaluation of the academic scholarship in accordance with the level of the course of the course of the year。Participate in the assessment as a postgraduate graduate student during the master's degree learning stage,Enter the doctoral curriculum learning stage.。

Chapter 3 Award Settings

No. 1NinestripNational Scholarship

(1) Reward standard

Doctoral students per year for each student310,000 yuan, master graduate students per year for each student210,000 yuan.

(2) Surface allocation

The college is allocated according to the school distribution quota.

(3) Evaluation conditions

Doctoral 188bet apkstudents apply for national scholarship,Except for the basic conditions stipulated in Article 5,The following conditions must be available at the same time: ① At least one "Northwest Normal University Teaching and Research Project、Classification Measures for Achievements(West Shifa [2021]160No.) specifiedBscientific research results; ② The average score of each course in the previous year reached80Divided or above; ③ At least one social work.

Master's Graduate Application for National Scholarship,Except for the basic conditions stipulated in Article 5,The following conditions must be available at the same time: ① At least one "Northwest Normal University Teaching and Research Project、Classification Measures for Achievements(West Shifa [2021]160No.) specifiedDscientific research results; ② The average score of each course in the previous year reached80Divided or above; ③ At least one social work.

No. 1TenstripAcademic Scholarship

Academic scholarships are divided into comprehensive scholarships and single scholarships.

(1) Comprehensive scholarship

1.Reward standard

Comprehensive scholarships set three equal times,Reward ratio and standards as shown in the following table。

Graduate academic comprehensive scholarships, the proportion and standard of rewards and standards

Student admission/Category


Reward ratio

Standard (10,000 yuan/year)



(Non -fixed employment)

First -class



Second class



Three -class




(Non -fixed employment)

First -class



All levels of all levels by academic and professional proportions.

Second class



Three -class



2.Quota allocation

The number of graduate students in the second and third grades in accordance with the criteria of the evaluation is the base,Allocate according to the award ratio (specifically based on the school's indexing indicators)。

3.The first -year doctoral student who meets the reward conditions directly evaluates the third -class comprehensive scholarship of the Ph.D.。

4.The admitted ordinary exemption students, straight students,"BenUnrest "" Excellent Middle School Teacher Training Special Plan、School Counselor Special Plan、Graduate Chief Education Group Plan、College students' enlisted plan for enlistment、Shuo Bo Lian Reading,Enjoy it at one time137194_37200

(2) Single scholarship

Single scholarships set up excellent moral awards、Academic Research Award、Sports Outstanding Award、Employment and Entrepreneurship Award、Sports Outstanding Award、Excellent Graduate Cadre Award。The number of winners of all single scholarships does not exceed the total number of participating students8%Selection,Outstanding Graduate Cadre Award does not exceed the total number of students participating in each college2%, each reward amount2000yuan.

1.Excellent Pin Mo Award

Participating conditions:Actively practice the core values ​​of socialism,Model abide by school rules and regulations,In honest and trustworthy、Help others、See righteousness、Gan Yu Dedication、Filial Lao Lao loves relatives、Self -strong inspirational deeds outstandingProvincial level(Includes)Publicity reports above media,Conditioning a greater social impact,Play a model leading role in the student group。

2.Academic Research Award

Participating conditions:Excellent academic performance,Master's students' compulsory courses in the year are before this major30%Actively participate in various academic scientific research activities, perform outstanding performanceGuided by rewarding high levels of results,In academic journal paper、Works、Scientific research project、Research results rewards and other achievements are prominent,Get the humanities and social sciences stipulated by the schoolBClass and above scientific research projects.

3.Sports Outstanding Award

Participating conditions:Respect labor、Love labor、Promoting labor,Consciously promote the spirit of labor,Actively participate in schoolThree Assists and One Supplement "post practice exercise and other various social practice organized by the school's organization(excluding professional practice)Volunteer service and other activities, outstanding performance, obtained school -level(Includes)above commendation rewardsor actively apply new technologies with the advantages of the subject、New process、New method to serve socio -economic development,A positive impact,Get the results of teaching projects stipulated in the school、Application results、Art Media RewardBClass and above practical category results(Including the internship and training training of the professional practice teaching link of the previous year and the various skills organized by the school organizationCompetitionEvent,Professional competition and invention patent、Technical transfer、Consultation Report、Policy recommendations、Art creation、Case design and other practical applications)

4.Employment and Entrepreneurship Award

Participating conditions:Strettory Innovation,Pioneering spirit,Courage to start a business,Actively drive employment with entrepreneurship,The individual or group of this school year is by the Ministry of Education、The Provincial Department of Education is organized or accepted by the school(Includes)The third prize in the employment and entrepreneurial competition above(Includes)The above rewards,Advanced deeds have a wide range of campus influence and campus driveOr set up a company with a student himself,There is a certain social financing,Registered by industry and commerce and good operation,Generate certain economic or social benefits。

5.Sports Outstanding Award

Participating conditions:Individual or group of this school year(All members)Culture organized by school or college、Sports、Art and other non -professional competitions won the third prize of the National Competition(Includes)above or the first six in the competition, or won the third prize of the province's sex competition(Includes)above or the top three rewards for the competition.

6.Excellent Graduate Cadre Award

Participating conditions:Actively practice the core values ​​of socialism,Excellent comprehensive quality,Enthusiastic service for students,Working in graduate service positions for one year(Includes)above,Graduate ideological and political education activities or assisting student apartments management、Maintaining student rights and interests to play a model leader,Can play a good demonstration and leading role among students。

No. 1elevenstripOther situations or those who have outstanding performances,The college can set a special scholarship according to actual needs,and select and distribute it in accordance with relevant agreements and requirements。

Chapter 4: Comprehensive Scholarship Scoring Method

Tenth2stripSelect under the requirements of the study comprehensive scholarships formulated by the college under the requirements of the criteria.。

(1) The score of the comprehensive scholarship is subject to academic performance、Three parts of scientific research achievements and comprehensive performance。Among them, academic results occupy30%, scientific research results50%Comprehensive performance20%. Overall rating=Academic results× 30%+Scientific ResearchAchievementsAdd points× 50%+Comprehensive performance plus points× 20%

(2)According toThe allocation quota will be comprehensive scoreRanking, OKThe list of recommended recommendations

(3) When the comprehensive score is the same,According to scientific research results、Academic score scores are sorted in turn。

No. 1ThirteenstripAcademic performance scores

1.The scoring method of the scores of professional courses and public courses is: the average score of all courses in all academic year× 10%

2.State University English Level 6 Exam (in accordance with the corresponding regulations in accordance with the corresponding regulations)4points, the six -level transcript must be provided, only once.

Tenth4stripScientific ResearchAchievement score

(1) Paper extra points

Students are the first author,The first author of the instructor、Students are the second author (press80%score),The professional leader published by Northwest Normal University as the first signature unitDomainscientific research papers,According to the "Northwest Normal University Teaching and Research Project, AchievementClassification Measures "classification division.DAcademic papers only calculate2, see the bonus score below:

Classification of results






Single -level score






Note: The paper must be officially seen,When the same paper is included by different journals or different conference papers,Put it once by the maximum plus category;。

  1. Projects, projectsTreasurerAdd points


Provincial level

School level

Court -level





1.Students host topics and projects, the first signature unit isNorthwestern Normal University, the host's projectPeriodic points, participants press30%score (only the top three).

2.Participate in the instructor project, project firstSignatureThe unit isNorthwest Normal UniversityIn the project bookStudent names orThe mentor issues a certificate signatureProof includes project types、Project name、Project Number、The specific work completed by graduate students in the project, and you need to provide the instructor's signatureProjectA copy of the project. National level4points, provincial and ministerial level2points

If the participating project is the National Social Science Fund project,and the project or ending book (need to provide the original,The assessment team will be verified through the website of the State Social Sciences Office or School Scientific Research Institute)When there is a student name, measure8points.

3.When participating in multiple projects, onlyJustSpeedspoints1times.

4.Projects or projects must provide corresponding certificates.

(3) Scientific researchAward extra points

Award level

National level

Provincial level

School level

Court -level

First prize





Second prize





Third Prize (Excellent Award)





Note:HostPeriodic points, participants press30%计points.All awards must issue relevant award certificates,Repeated awards for the same project,According to the highest calculation。

No. 1Ten5stripComprehensive performanceScore

(1)Student cadresAdd points

College Graduate AssociationThe person in charge

Deputy Secretary of the Party Branch of the hospital

College Graduate AssociationEachDepartment

The person in charge, the graduate student of the hospital, the professional squad leader

Member of the Graduate Association of the College

College student branch committee, otherSchool levelJob

Group branchSecretary






Note: At least one school year or more in the term of the term,No repeated accumulation according to the term of term; school -level positions need to provide certificates。

(2) Points for academic activities

1.As the speaker, academic reporters in the academic monthly activities organized by the college,Every time I calculate3points; participated in academic conferences 188bet apkorganized by universities and academic institutions in the province and submitted the dissertation,Every time I calculate3points,Academic conferences 188bet apkorganized by universities and academic institutions outside the province and submitted the paper,Every time I calculate5points;。JustSenior score2times

2.NeedProvide the conference papersorConference Speaking Provement Materials.

3Volunteer Service ActivitiesAdd points

1.Participate in school、Concentrated practice organized by the Youth League Committee of the Hospital,Leader plan5Divided, Members Messing4points; according to the "Unified Plan for the Central Committee、Provincial Youth League Committee Coordinated Guidance、Urban -level and county -level Youth League Committee Autonomous Implementation、Disposal practice of propaganda mobilization of college league committees,If you return to your hometown "social practice、"Good Holiday" college students warm public welfare bank、"Together Cloud Branch Education" special practice、College Student Internship "Sailing Project" and other,Participants3points. The cumulative score of the one -school year does not exceed10points.

2.ParticipateVolunteer service activities organized or approved by the college,Each activity meter0.6points, the cumulative accumulation does not exceed3points

4) Honorary commendation category

1.Get national level、Provincial Hall level、School -level honorary titles or commendations(All kinds of award -winning scholarship certificates, etc. are not included in additional points), calculated separately20155points,Get the school's departments、Various honorary titles selected by the college289992_900051times

2.Honor commendation is based on certificates or documents,There must be a department、School official seal。(Commendation and rewards include the official seal of "Northwest Normal University" and "Communist Party of the Northwest Normal University" according to the school level,Others score according to departmental level。)

5Competition categoryAdd points

1.ParticipateSchool and college organizations related to academic authoritiesTournament (such asDebate, speech contest,Teaching Skills Competition,Sports Games, etc.) and the winner,Competition College review and appraisalPress the table below.

Award level

National level

Provincial level

School level

Court -level

First prize





Second prize





Third Prize (Excellent Award)





2.The award of the competition is based on the certificate or document,There must be a department or college official seal,The award -winning certificate below the county level does not score。(Competition awardThere are the official seal of "Northwest Normal University" and "Communist Party of the Northwest Normal University" according to the school level,Others score according to departmental level。)

3.The same results or activities get rewards at all levels in similar evaluations,According to the highest score1times

Chapter 5 Review Procedure

No. 116stripThe college set up a graduate scholarship review committee,Chairman of the main person in charge of the party and government of the college,Deputy Secretary of the Student Student Work、Responsible for the deputy dean of the graduate work、Counselor、Graduate Secretary、Representatives of Graduate Tutor、Graduate representatives as members,Responsible for formulating the rules of the college's postgraduate scholarship review and application organization、College review、Student appeal acceptance。The list of review committees is reported to the school -level review leadership group office for record。

No. 1SeventeenstripGraduate scholarship review work Insist on public、Fair、Justice、Choose the best choice,Nathest is not abuse,Strictly implement relevant national education regulations,Eliminate falsification。

EighteenthstripGraduate scholarships according toStudent application、Recommended instructor、College selection、School review "procedure is performed。

No. 119stripIn order to expand the influence and incentive guidance role of expanding the graduate scholarship,Graduate National ScholarshipPublic defense on the basis of my application and conditional assessment, the difference is implemented.

Article 20Graduate scholarshipJudgingWork acceptanceCollege teachers and studentsSupervision,The College Graduate Scholarship Review Committee determines the list of scholarship students,Perform in the college5Public announcement on working daysAfter the announcement has no objection,Submit the school scholarship review leadership group for approval,The results of the review are performed in the entire school5Publicity on working days.

TwentyastripThere are objections to the results of the graduate scholarship review,You can make an appeal to the college's judging committee at the college's publicity stage,The review committee should study and answer in time。If the appellant responds to the college's judging committee, there is still an objection,You can submit a decision with the school's postgraduate scholarship review leadership group at the school publicity stage,The results of the treatment are delivered to the college and the graduate students in an appropriate form。

Twenty2stripGraduate 188betscholarships are reviewed once a year, each year912month31Recently, the postgraduate scholarship was distributed to the awarded student,and awarded an honorary certificate。Graduate students get scholarships and record their school status archives。

No. 16ChapterRelated instructions

Twenty3stripParticipate in the teaching and scientific research project of graduate scholarship、Achievement Competition refers to the "Northwest Normal University Teaching and Research Project、Achievement Classification Methods (Revised)"(Xi Shifa [2021]160No.) Make sure,It must be based on Northwest Normal University as the first signature unit,Published with students as the first author or mentor as the first author、Students are the second author。The deadline is the year8month31A few days ago

No. 1Twenty -fourstripGraduate applications for academic single scholarship,Research topic、Academic Journal Paper、The work must be a research topic hosted by students、Students are the first author(Including cooperation with the mentor as the first author)Published academic papers, students published by students for the first author(Works)Instructions adopted results、Social Practice Project、Discipline competition、Innovative and entrepreneurial projects, etc.Invention patent Sushang Northwest Normal University as the first unit,The applicant is ranked in the top two of the inventor。The science and technology award that meets the evaluation conditions must be the first completion unit with Northwest Normal University,In the order of the winning list,Graduate students ranked first in the winner。Participating research topics、Academic Journal Paper、Works and participationandThe instructions obtained by obtained、Social Practice Project、Discipline competition、Innovative and entrepreneurial projects, etc.,It can only be used for evaluation of academic comprehensive scholarship。

No. 1Twenty -fivestripWhen applying for all single prizes in the team,,Declars by the captain or team leader,Other members must not repeat the declaration。

No. 1Twenty -sixstripTeaching and research achievements participating in the evaluation of graduate scholarships include the formal visible academic papers (published in foreign journals,Need to provideDoiNo.)、Given the formal authorized patent、Published academic monographs、Scientific research awards and research consulting reports from relevant departments。

No. 127stripGraduate studentsWithin the basis of basic businessYou can get a graduate scholarship many times,Graduate results that have been used for the next year for evaluationDo not use it again.

No. 128strip The same yearNational Scholarship and Academic Integrationfirst, second -class, third -class scholarshipOnly one of them can be selected. At the same time2Single scholarship。Get a national scholarship or academic comprehensive scholarship,Get at the same timesingleScholarship,The winners enjoy the honor,The bonus is based on the "high" principle only enjoy the highest amount of it。The same results are included in (reprinted) by different publications or obtained the same level of rewards,"Just high" to participate in the evaluation,Not accumulated。

No. 1Twenty -ninestripCommercial institutions、Various profit evaluation activities organized by domestic and foreign journals and publishing institutions、Paper Jacking, etc. will not be determined。

No. 1ThirtystripThose who apply for a graduate scholarship,All materials need to be provided with the original and electronic version,That year6month passesCET-6Can provide electronic proof and review at the specified time;Thesis、The academic achievements of books and other academic achievements are subject to public publication; all results determination time is2023Years9month1Day-2024Years8month31Day.

ThirtyastripThe results of the graduate declaration should strictly abide by academic norms and academic ethics,A result of any academic misconduct,Or there are fraud in the application process、deception、Repeated declaration and other behaviors,or the staff has the phenomenon of violations of regulations and discipline,Once discovered,The school will deal with it seriously。

Thirty2stripThe college is based on scholarship evaluationTrialMeasures,Persist in virtue first、Ability is heavy、Principles of the comprehensive development of morality, intellectual, physical and labor,Avoid academic "five only" tendencies,Combining discipline (professional) actual,Scientific formulation implementation rules、Quantitative review standard、Refined review requirements、Standardized review procedures

Chapter 7 Affiliated Rules

No. 133stripThis rules are not exhausted.CollegeAwardHelpThe Fund Review Committee is responsible for explaining.

No. 1Thirty -fourstripThis method is from2024Years9month1123116_123121Western Division Party[2022] 19 Document "Implementation Measures for the Review of Graduate Scholarship in Northwest Normal University(Trial)"abolished at the same time.

School of Literature, Northwest Normal University


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